Tag Archives: Art Coaching

Things to Consider – Aren’t Coaches for Athletes?

For many years when people thought of a coach they immediately thought of athletic coaches. But for the past decade or two businesses and individuals have seen how life and business coaches can improve their productivity and ultimately their bottom line.

Coaching for entrepreneurs and small business owners, including artists is considered a legitimate business expense.

Unlike consulting where an expert may look at and assess different aspects of a business making specific recommendations, in coaching the focus of each session is chosen by the client. Rather than offering advice, a coach guides the client to set and implement goals that are most relevant to them and their particular circumstances.

If you haven’t done so before, have a look at coaching. I am finding that more and more of the people I work with as a consultant are shifting our time together to coaching sessions. Coaching allows them to find and discover their own solutions through a process they can use over and over again. Click here to read more.