Art Has No Borders



Be one of a 101 artists showcased within our interactive, digital publications available to download in over 50 countries on Apple’s iBooks

Art Has No Borders is a series of iArtBooks, published on Apple’s iBooks, featuring artwork from around the world. The idea has grown out of the London based Cork Street Open Exhibitions and is an opportunity for artists to have their work included in one or more art anthologies covering a number of different themes.

Art Has No Borders provides an opportunity to showcase a wider range of artwork to a much larger audience than can be reached in a physical gallery, with the additional advantage of no transportation or insurance costs for the artists! Each edition will feature the work of contemporary and traditional artists and techniques, from painters, sculptors, photographers, and printmakers, to textile, digital media, and performance artists.

There are no commissions and the work does not have to be for sale. Three or more selectors who have expertise in the subject will choose the artwork featured in each book. Every selected artist will have an image of their art presented along with relevant details, a hyperlink to their website and a free download of the iArtBook.

By featuring in an iArtBook, your work can be promoted internationally on iBooks by a professional marketing team and provides an opportunity to expand your fan base and attract new collectors.

The interactive multi-touch iArtBooks will be published by Pandora Publications and sold on iBooks worldwide. iArtBooks allow artworks to be viewed in high-definition on iPads and Mac computers, as well as having links within the book pages directly to an artist’s website. You can download a free copy of the Cork Street Open Exhibition on iBooks – which uses a similar layout to that of Art Has No Borders publications by clicking here.

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